Page 35 - TriSociety Virtual Event
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haploid (DH) population developed from a symptoms we used RNA sequencing analysis To reveal molecular networks underlying the
cross between RL6071 (susceptible) x KU1682 to profile the virome and transcriptome of masking efect we combined RNA sequenc
(resistant) Phenotyping the DH population grapevine leaves collected at two diferent ing (NovaSeq 6000 System Illumina) and
with Pgt races TTKSK and TPMKC showed times during the growing season (early August proteomic (TMTbased technolog y) studies on
resistance to these races was conferred by and late September) For cultivars such as B. napus 022221 (Rlm3 carrier) seedlings at
a single R gene The R gene was genetically Vidal a total of 7047 genes were identified as 3 7 and 11days post inoculation (dpi) and
mapped to a region of chromosome arm 6AL diferentially expressed genes (DEGs) from Goeland (Rlm9 carrier) seedlings at 3 and 7 dpi
known to be associated with Sr13 Till now August to September of which 2465 were with L. maculans isolates carr ying avrLm4-7
four resistance haplotypes R1R4 have been upregulated and 4582 were downregulated AvrLm3-AvrLm9 and AvrLm4-7-AvrLm3-AvrLm9
reported for the Sr13 region A phenotypic Further analysis revealed that many of these respectively Hundreds to thousands of genes
analysis was conducted using six diferentia DEGs are involved in RNAsilencing pathway were identified concurrently or specifically in
ting Pgt races TTKSK QFCSC QTHJF RCRSF For example endoribonucleases dicer homo these typical and masked interactions in addi
TMRTF and TPMKC on carriers of the four Sr13 log 1 and 2 were significantly overexpressed tion to a number of diferentially expressed
resistance haplotypes KU1682 RL6071 and All asymptomatic grapevine plants showed proteins The further downstream analysis in
selected R and S class DH lines which revealed virallike symptoms in late September The this multiomics study will be instrumental
that KU1682 is functionally unique A genetic virome also showed a shif in terms of diversity to pinpoint key players in the 'game of hide
characteriZation with the Sr13 linked KASP and and abundance and the titer of the economi and seek' for this pathosystem and possibly
STARP markers indicated no amplification for cally important viruses decreased from August illuminating similar interactions in other
the KU1682 line suggesting it carriers a new to September except in one case pathosystems
gene or a ne w allele of Sr13 To resolve this we
are planning to sequence the Sr13 region in 26. A deep dive into the game of hide and 27. Using molecular biology and omics to
KU1682 With more efectiveness as compa seek in the Brassica napus-Leptosphaeria manage clubroot of canola
red to Sr13 known haplotypes and hexaploid maculans pathosystem: combined tran L GALINDOGONZALEZ Q ZHOU H TSO H
origin SrKu168-2 will be a good candidate for scriptome and proteome analysis ASKARIAN V MANOLII T LOCKE S F HWANG
use in breeding programs S HUANG F LIU Z ZOU W G D FERNANDO AND S E STRELKOV Department of Agricultur
AND G PENG Department of Plant Science, al, Food and Nutritional Science, University of
25. Temporal dynamics of the virome University of Manitoba, 66 Dafoe Road, Win Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5, Canada; (T.L.)
composition and transcriptional response nipeg, MB R3T 2N2, Canada; (G.P.) Agriculture Department of Biological Sciences, University of
of three grapevine cultivars and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon Research Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E9, Canada.
M L FALL V J JAVRAN P LEMOYNE G S and Development Centre, Saskatoon, SK S7N
MARTINS D XU AND A POURSALAVATI (M.L.F., 0X2, Canada. Clubroot caused by Plasmodiophora brassi
V.J.J., P.L., G.S.M., D.X., A.P.) Saint-Jean-sur- cae is one of the most important diseases of
Richelieu Research and Development Centre, Blackleg caused primarily by the hemib canola (Brassica napus) in Canada Disease
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 430 Gouin iotrophic fungus Leptosphaeria maculans management relies heavily on planting
Boulevard, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC J3B (DesmaZ ) Ces & De Not is one of the most clubroot resistant (CR) cultivars but in recent
3E6, Canada; (G.S.M) Centre SÈVE, Département economically important diseases in many years new resistancebreaking pathotypes
de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke, 2500 De canola/oilseed rape (Brassica napus L ) of P. brassicae have emerged While eforts
L’Université Boulevard, Sherbrooke, QC J1K 2R1, growing regions in the world that ofen causes to develop new CR varieties using traditional
Canada. significant yield losses Genetic resistance has breeding are under way omics and molecular
been proven efective in mitigating blackleg biology technologies can help to search for
Grapevine can be afected simultaneously by infection at diferent growth stages (seedling novel sources of resistance improve un
several pathogens with a complex inter and adult plant) Seedling resistance generally derstanding of hostpathogen interactions
action that has largely been understudied follows the geneforgene theor y with the and facilitate diagnosis We performed two
Among these pathogens viruses represent a exception that the recognition of avirulence transcriptomic studies with two cultivar resis
widespread class of pathogens that interact genes AvrLm3 and AvrLm9 by the respective tancebreaking pathotypes (3A and 5X) on B.
diferentially with grapevine cultivars In a resistance genes Rlm3 and Rlm9 is masked napus hosts presenting contrasting resistance/
recent study we revealed a diverse virome (all by the presence of AvrLm4-7 known as the susceptibility The interaction with pathotype
the viruses and viroids) of a leafrollinfected 'game of hide and seek' Recent evidence 5X showed a clear salicylic acid (SA)mediated
interspecific hybrid grapevine cultivar and has shown that there is no direct interaction immunity response especially in the resistant
compared it to the virome of V. vinifera cultivar between AvrLm4-7 and AvrLm3 or AvrLm9 genotype Inoculation with pathotype 3A
However cooccurrence analysis revealed that or between Rlm9 and AvrLm9 or AvrLm4-7 showed that SA and ethylene were important
the presence of grapevine leafrollassociated suggesting AvrLm4-7 may conform to the as part of the defense mechanism of the re
virus species was randomly associated with guard or decoy models and interact with sistant cultivar As expected susceptible hosts
the development of virus like symptoms To unknown targets in the host that represses the showed features of early cell growth modifi
understand what drives the expression of recognition of AvrLm3-Rlm3 and AvrLm9-Rlm9 cation The P. brassicae reads from each inter
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