The CSHS offers various membership types to
welcome scientists, students, specialists, industry representatives,
retired colleagues, and other valued members of the horticulture
sector into our society. While the focus is on Canada, we are also
pleased to welcome international members to our society.
Membership Registration Form
Corporate Membership Registration Form
Membership Benefits
The benefits of membership include reduced registration costs for
annual conferences,
eligibility for annual society
awards, as well as reduced subscription and submission costs for
the Canadian
Journal of Plant Science. We offer professional enrichment
through opportunities to pursue
career development,
collaborative research, industry engagement, and networking among
horticultural science experts across Canada. CSHS supports Canada's
membership to the International
Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) which our members are
eligible to join.
Membership Update -
Mise à jour sur l’adhésion
Membership Classes & Conditions
The CSHS recognizes the following seven classes of members: regular members, student members, retired members, association members, corporate members, and honorary life members. With the exception of Honorary Life members, the term of all memberships is annual and subject to renewal in accordance with the policies of the Society.
Annual memberships cover the calendar year from January 1 to December 31, inclusive. Memberships purchased from January 1 to October 14 are active for the current calendar year. Memberships purchased from October 15 to December 31 are active for the remainder of the current calendar year plus the entire following calendar year.
Dues are payable annually.
Regular Members
Anyone interested in horticultural science, technology and the horticultural arts. A regular member is entitled to one (1) vote provided that regular membership has been paid.
Student Members
Any student attending a university, college or other post-secondary institution. Proof of full time attendance is required annually. A student member is entitled to one (1) vote provided that student membership has been paid.
A special student combo membership is available that offers annual membership to three societies: the Canadian Society for Horticulture Science, the Canadian Society of Agronomy, and the Canadian Society of Soil Science.

Postdoctoral Fellows
Any person holding a position of Postdoctoral Fellow hired at a university, college or other post-secondary institution. Proof of full time employment by the supervisor is required annually. A Postdoctoral Fellow member is entitled to one (1) vote provided that the membership has been paid.
Honorary Life Members
Any member judged by the Society to have rendered outstanding service to horticultural science or industry. Nominations for honorary membership may be made by the board of directors, an awards committee, or any ten members of the Society for approval by the board. The award certificate shall read: “in recognition of his/her/their meritorious service to horticulture in Canada.” An Honorary Life Member is entitled to one (1) vote. Annual membership is no longer required.
Retired Members
Anyone retired from the work force and interested in horticultural science, technology and the horticultural arts. A retired member is entitled to one (1) vote provided that retired membership has been paid.
Association Members
Any institution, group or association wishing to sustain the Society through an annual contribution, the amount to be determined by the Board of Directors. An association member is entitled to one (1) vote provided that associate membership has been paid.
Corporate Members
Any business wishing to sustain the Society through an annual contribution, the amount to be determined by the Board of Directors. A corporate member is entitled to one (1) vote provided that corporate membership has been paid. A corporate membership includes five (5) regular memberships to be assigned by the business to employees or associates of their choice.
Standard Membership Registration Form
Corporate Membership Registration Form