About CSHS


The CSHS was founded in 1956. The membership is divided into 6 regional sections: Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Prairie, and Pacific and Northern. CSHS members (scientists, educators, students, extension agents and industry personnel) are involved in and make significant advances in research, teaching, information and technology related to all horticultural crops: fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, greenhouses, flowers, nursery plants and more. There are many advantages to becoming a CSHS member; these includes ... Learn more »



Call for submissions

Dear colleagues,

You are invited to submit and are encouraged to invite your students to submit abstracts to one or more of the following concurrent sessions prepared by the Canadian Society for Horticultural Science (CSHS):

·       CSHS Session 1 &2: Cannabis symposium

·       CSHS Session 3: Root crop session

·       CSHS Session 4: Vegetable session

·       CSHS Session 5: Fruit session

Best poster and best oral student presentations will be awarded. Check the information on the award here Awards (cshs.ca)