

The Canadian Society for Horticultural Science is affiliated with the following organizations


Canadian Science Publishing

Canadian Science Publishing (CSP) provides financial assistance for content development in the Canadian Journal of Plant Science and for CSHS conference activities, including sponsorships, exhibits, travel awards, and/or annual awards.


Agri-Food Innovation Council

Student travel to society meetings and conferences is sponsored in part by the Agri-Food Innovation Council, formerly the Agricultural Institute of Canada (AIC). As per the Memorandum of Understanding (article 5) signed between CSHS and AIC, there is to be recognition of AIC’s contribution on the CSHS website.


International Society for Horticultural Science

CSHS is a member of the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), the world's leading independent organization of horticulturists acting as a globally recognized and sought-after platform for research, science-based information exchange and collaboration in support of sustainable innovation in horticulture.


Plant Canada

CSHS is a member of Plant Canada - Federation of Canadian Plant Science Societies,  an independent umbrella organization that seeks to bring together all those in research, education and training in plant science and related disciplines in Canada.


Global Plant Council

CSHS is an affiliate of the Global Plant Council, a coalition of organizations representing the plant, crop, agricultural, and environmental sciences across the globe, representing thousands of experts.