Canadian Society for Horticulture (WCSH)
The Founding of the Canadian Society for Horticultural Science,
by Roger Vick
of WCSH Executive
Western Canadian Society for [originally of] Horticulture was formed at
November 11-12, 1943
at a
meeting chaired by M.B. Davis, Dominion Horticulturist. The meeting was
organized in response to the severe winter of 1942-43 which had caused
devastating losses in horticultural plants on the prairies, particularly
fruit trees. The main aim was to coordinate horticultural research on the
prairies and thus facilitate a breeding program for hardier cultivars.
Work on hardiness zonation began immediately, and through the efforts of
this group, the Prairie Cooperative Fruit Breeding Program was established,
with headquarters at
was the originator of the Canadian Society for Horticulture Science, which
was formed in 1956. According to the 1957 WCSH proceedings report, a
highlight of the 1957 convention was "the wholehearted support given
to the newly formed Canadian Society for Horticulture Science by way of
agreement that the WCSH should constitute the Prairie Section of the
national Society and that an additional one dollar membership fee be
charged active WCSH members which would constitute membership in the
Canadian Society". For many years, WCSH was the strongest component
of CSHS and considered vital to its success, although it operated
independently for the most part. WCSH, made up of horticulturists across
the prairies, met annually in one of the
to discuss
research results and future needs. This increased communication was
invaluable in reducing duplication of efforts. Eventually the various
federal research stations on the prairies began specialization in
particular crops.
The Prairie
Regional Trials for Woody Ornamentals, begun at Morden in 1959, gave
regular reports via WCSH. Vegetable research was highly promoted by WCSH.
Potato research, led by Agriculture
, was also prominent, and reports via WCSH were common
until it was deemed desirable to set up an independent organization, the
Prairie Potato Council. WCSH also provided a venue for good interaction
with universities and private plant breeders, and horticultural extension
was increased on the prairies. For a number of years WCSH provided student
medals to the top graduating students in horticulture at the
, and
. WCSH Merit Awards were given to ornamental plants,
starting in 1965. Over the years, emphasis on research and extension
gravitated towards commercial horticulture on the
prairies. Established grower groups across the prairies took on an
increasingly active role in promoting their crops and established direct
links with government. As a result, attendance at WCSH functions became
greatly reduced, also due to cutbacks in horticultural research at
stations on the prairies and reduced funding for
inter-provincial travel. WCSH became dormant in 1992 but was renewed as
the prairie chapter of the CSHS in 2005 at their Annual General Meeting in
Edmonton, AB."
MB Davis, Dominion Horticulturist who chaired the formation meeting
of the WCSH in 1943; (right) Rosthern Experimental Station - one of
the many stations set up across the prairies for agricultural and
horticultural research purposes.
Karen Tanino (left) and
Bob Bors (right)
are the representatives of the WCSH on CSHS