CSHS Annual Awards


The CSHS recognizes exceptional contributions to horticultural science under four annual award categories.

Top-Cited Paper Award
The most cited horticultural paper published two years prior to the annual conference in the Canadian Journal of Plant Science by a member of the CSHS will be recommended by the Past President to the Awards Committee. For example, papers published in 2017 will be considered for the award at the 2019 annual conference. The citations will be pro-rated by month of publication. The Awards Committee will then select the final winning paper. The corresponding author will be invited to give a talk at the annual CSHS conference. The Top-Cited Paper will be announced at the conference banquet and a certificate will be provided in person or by mail to each co-author.

Student Travel Awards
The student travel award is intended to encourage horticulture students to participate in the CSHS annual conference. Applications are accepted from the opening of the conference registration until one month before the registration deadline. The Awards Committee selects the applicant(s) to be awarded based on the applicants’ research promise, financial need, and potential benefit from conference participation. The successful applicant(s) will be notified at least one week before the registration deadline. There will be at least one $500 award per year; however, there can be more if sponsors contribute to this award.
Application Form

Best Oral Presentation Awards
The best student oral presentations at the annual CSHS meeting will be selected by an Oral Presentation Judging Committee (OPJC). The OPJC is appointed by the Award Committee before each annual conference. Up to three oral presentations will be awarded for each conference and certificates will be presented at the CSHS banquet or by the end of the conference. The award values are $500 for first (1st) place, $300 for second (2nd) place, and $200 for third (3rd) place.
Judging Criteria

Best Poster Presentation Awards
The best student poster presentations at the annual CSHS meeting will be selected by a Poster Presentation Judging Committee (PPJC). The PPJC is appointed by the Award Committee before each annual conference. Up to three poster presentations will be awarded for each conference and certificates will be presented at the CSHS banquet or by the end of the conference. The award values are $500 for first (1st) place, $300 for second (2nd) place, and $200 for third (3rd) place.
Judging Criteria