Awards 2021

Canadian Society for Horticultural
Awards - 2021
Certificate of Appreciation
Dr.Karen Tanino
Congratulations to the following winners of the
student presentation awards.
Thanks to our judges Drs. Karen Tanio, Simone Castellarin and
Julie Lajeunesse for their excellent work for judging the 16 oral
presentations and 3 posters. There are five excellent oral
presentations, even they did not make to the top three, the judges
feel strongly that they deserve honorary mention. The presenters
are: Karthika Sriskantharajah, Palaniappan Ramanathan, Kenneth Eteme
Anku, Victoria Rodriguez Morrison and Tharindu Lakshan Suraweera.
1. The poster presentation award ($500): Cindy Yu, Dalhousie
2. The 3rd place oral presentation award ($200): Duncan Giebelhaus,
University of Alberta
3. The 2nd place oral presentation award ($300): Ariana Forand,
University of Saskatchewan
4. The 1st place oral presentation award ($500): Cesaree
Morier-Gxoyiya, McGill University