members received the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Award - 2005
Drs. Vasantha Rupasinghe (Nova Scotia Agricultural College), Jennifer
DeEll (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food) and Peter Toivonen
(Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) were the part of a team who received
the Agri-Food Innovation Award at the inaugural Agri-Food Innovation
Forum, which took place in Hilton hotel in Toronto during June 19-22. The
Agri-Food Innovation Awards Program is a coordinated effort of Agriculture
and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food
(OMAF) and Ontario Agri-Food Technologies. The 2005 awards focus on
Agriculture, Food and Human Health. The Innovation Award was one of the
three categories of awards, which recognizes an individual, team,
organization or business whose leadership, new technology, value-added
product or service has improved, or holds the potential to improve, the
health of the citizens of Ontario, while at the same time generating
profits for the agri-food sector. |