

A CSHS member receives Gold Harvest Award 2005

Dr. S. Khanizadeh and the Deputy Minister, Mr. Leonard J. Edwards

On Dec 2005 Shahrokh Khanizadeh Received the 1st Gold harvest award from Leonard Edward Deputy Minister office of pride and recognition in recognition of exceptional commitment to the qualities of excellence and innovation, partnering and team building. Leadership, client-Centre work, and inclusiveness. This award recognized the research in the field of sustainable development, particularly with regard to genetic enhancement and cultivar development, collaboration with universities and non-governmental organizations and the important work that foster inclusiveness and equity. 

Dr. Khanizadeh is a plant breeder. He studies thousands of cultivars of apples and strawberries and singles out the desirable traits. In Canada, desirable traits include disease-resistance, cold hardiness, antioxidant values and even traits that will help fruit stay fresh on the long trek to a grocery store. 

Have you ever cut up an apple only to see the flesh turn brown after a few minutes? A non-browning apple named Eden is just one of the many accomplishments of Dr. Khanizadeh and he is currently working with food companies, to promote the new apple variety to consumers.

Antioxidants are the current health trend as our aging population investigates new ways to preserve a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Khanizadeh is riding the crest of this trend by creating several new varieties of strawberries that are bursting with antioxidants. But he is thinking bigger picture too. While many scientists are currently screening varieties for antioxidants, he is also looking for sturdy Canadian qualities that will sustain the plant over our bitter winters, summer droughts and nasty pests.

Dr. Khanizadeh is also an author. His colorful and comprehensive books on Canadian apples and plums are popular with both scientists and garden enthusiasts. A new edition to the series, listing 170 varieties of Canadian strawberries, was published last month.