Page 63 - TriSociety Virtual Event
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etc ) necessitates the use of chemical fertiliZers Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, De CHER Cereal and Flax Pathology Group, Plant
to alleviate nutrientrelated constraints to crop partment of Plant, Food, and Environmental Sciences Department, University of Saskat
production However fertiliZers can be pro Sciences, Dalhousie University, 50 Pictou Road, chewan, 51 Campus Dr, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A8;
hibitively expensive for resourcepoor small Truro, NS B2N 5E3, Canada. (K.C., M.G.) Farming Smarter, 211034 AB-512,
land holders and their efectiveness and use Lethbridge, AB T1J 5N9; (G.P., V.H.) Agriculture
eficiency are low because of the widespread Agricultural policy is increasingly emphasiZing and Agri-Food Canada, 102 McKendry Ave W,
problem of soil degradation Agroecosystems the need for development and adoption of Melfort, SK S0E 1A0; (W.E.M, R.D.) Agriculture
may have lost as much as 135 Gt of soil orga practices that reduce environmental impact and Agri-Food Canada, Box 156 Indian Head SK
nic carbon (SOC) which must be restored to Environmental considerations have become S0G 2K0; (R.M., D.M.) Agriculture and Agri-Food
above the critical level (1 5 - 2 0 % in the 020 a part of research programs as well either as Canada, 2701 Grand Valley Rd, Brandon, MB
cm layer) to enhance and sustain productivity explicit program ob ectives or requests to con R7C 1A1; (M.A.H., X.W., M.B.) Agriculture and Agri-
While enhancing agronomic productivity by sider environmental outcomes as a secondar y Food Canada, 101 Rte 100, Morden, MB R6M 1Y5
improving the use eficienc y of inputs and impact of the science Organic agriculture Canada.
increasing the drought resilience restoration is an internationally recogniZed system of
of SOC stock also increases adaptation to and production guided by principles of environ Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a disease of
mitigation of the global warming Potential mental sustainability and regulated national concern for cereal producers across western
of SOC sequestration in managed soils of the standards The organic system limits the use Canada Approximately 60% of the area
world is 2 5 Gt C/yr (1 5 - 3 4 Gt C/yr ) through of nonecological practices and encourages seeded to annual crops in the Canadian
adoption of sitespecific best management adoption of practices that promote longterm prairies consists of wheat and canola; this
practices (e g conser vation agriculture stability and resilience in soil fertility and pest low crop diversity within rotations increases
integrated soil fertility management complex management As such organic farmers are disease risk of cereals This study focussed
rotations and integration of crops with trees particularly dependent on understanding on the efect of a threeyear crop sequences
and livestock) The cumulative potential of agroecosystem processes that lead to finan on FHB of wheat or barley in the third year of
SOC sequestration between 2020 and 2100 at cially socially and environmentally sustaina the experiments From 2018 to 2020 five sites
178 Gt combined with that of C sequestration ble practices Consumer demand continues across the prairies were seeded with a core set
in forest/woodland biomass at 155 Gt can to drive rapid growth in the global organic of five crops including wheat barley canola
create a drawdown of 157 ppm CO2 from the market even with premium prices This pea and maiZe; at all sites another one to four
atmosphere With adoption of noncarbon demand provides an excellent platform for crops were included that were common to
energy sources (i e wind solar geothermal) development and early adoption of ecologica the area The experiments consisted of a crop
recarboniZation of the terrestrial biosphere llybased practices that could evolve to benefit matrix arranged in a split block design Disea
(soil vegetation) can still limit the global all of agriculture when upscaled The national se severity (FHB index Fusarium damaged
warming to below 2 �C Thus managing SOC Organic Science Cluster program in Canada kernels (FDKs) and deoxynivalenol content)
content is a winwinwin option It is essential provides examples of how organic agriculture yield and crop quality measurements were
to advancing food and nutritional security can be used as a launch pad for agroecologi recorded Fusarium spp were isolated and
adaptation and mitigation of global war cal innovation including biological controls identified from wheat and barley kernels The
ming and strengthening of the biodiversity for Fusarium head blight development of crop stubble from the year immediately prior
RecarboniZation of the soil and biosphere can growing mediums for organic greenhouse to cereal production had detectable efects on
also put on track the Sustainable Develop production optimiZation of green manures to FHB severity the predominant Fusarium spp
ment Goals of the Agenda 2030 of the United displace nitrogen fertiliZer application deve isolated and the amount of FDK Fusarium
Nations However farmers/foresters/land lopment of integrated approaches to manage graminearum and F. poae were the predomi
managers must be motivated and incentiviZed pests such as wireworm and farmer participa nate species isolated; the frequency of F. poae
through payments for ecosystem ser vices at tory plant breeding was similar in sequences with cereals and
the societal cost of SOC (e g $120/ t of SOC) pulses These findings reveal that including
Translating science into action needs prudent Session 23. Student oral compe pulses and other noncereal crops in a three
governance and implementation of policies tition: Innovations in Agronomy year crop sequence benefit yield and quality
(at local national and global level) which are The predominant Fusarium spp isolated from
pronature proagriculture and pro farmer and Crop Management infected kernels difered depended on the
previous crop and the site
Session 22. Invited keynote 119. Effect of cereal and noncereal crop
sequences on Fusarium head blight seve
speaker rity across the Canadian prairies 120. Assessing the phenotypic response
to phosphorus in a winter wheat (Triticum
M A OVIEDOLUDENA L WANG K COLES M aestivum L.) diversity panel field screened
118. Organic as a platform for ecological GRETZINGER G PENG V HEALEY W E MAY R
innovation in agriculture DAVIS R MOHR D MCLAREN M A HENRI in Ontario, Canada
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