Page 28 - CSHS 2022 Book of Abstracts - 2022-08-22 web version
P. 28

CSHS 2022 Conference

             Potato Symposium

             Symposium Chair: Dr. Bourlaye Fofana | Co-Chair: Dr. Benoit Bizimungu

             Invited Speakers

             Dr. David S. Douches

             Professor of Potato Genetics and Breeding
             Michigan State University, Michigan, USA

             David S. Douches, with over 40 years of experience in potato breeding, genetics and biotechnology, has an
             active potato breeding program directed toward the development of improved cultivars in Michigan for
             35 years. The focus of the program is to develop new cultivars for Michigan’s potato industry by
             integrating new genetic engineering/ gene editing with conventional breeding efforts. Key traits targeted
             for improvement Colorado potato beetle resistance, disease resistance to scab, late blight, PVY, and chip
             processing from long-term storage. This breeding and biotech effort has expanded to include diploid
             breeding. Dave leads the Michigan State University potato breeding and genetics project and co-PI in the
             North Central Regional Potato Breeding and Genetics project. He is also director of the USAID-funded
             Global Biotech Potato Project for Africa and South East Asia and the lead scientist in developing four
             potato SNP arrays used by the potato breeding and genetics community.

             Dr. David De Koyer

             Research Scientist, Potato Breeding
             Fredericton Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, New Brunswick, Canada

             David De Koeyer is a Research Scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and leader of AAFC's
             National Potato Breeding Program with research activities at Fredericton and Lethbridge Research and
             Development Centres. Since 2001, Dr. De Koeyer has worked on potato genetics and breeding. He
             obtained his Ph.D. in Plant Breeding from the University of Minnesota and started his career with AAFC
             working with cereal crops. His research interests include improving the efficiency and effectiveness of
             plant breeding and incorporating beneficial diversity into crops to meet the needs of farmers in Canada
             and in the developing world. Dr. De Koeyer will present an overview of the use of genetic resistance to
             control potato wart caused by Synchytrium endobioticum.

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