Page 5 - TriSociety Virtual Event
P. 5
Scientific program schedule
Times are shown in CDT (Central Daylight Time), please adjust to the time zone where the conference Invited s pea kers a nd soc ie ty a ward winne r s
12 min oral presentations in a competition
will be accessed. The start times are only guidelines as not all prerecorded videos will be the exact Stude nt 5 min poster fla s h-talk s in a compe tition
length indicated Regular 12 min ora l pr e sentations
questions and answer se ssion v ia Zoom
Times are shown in CDT (Central Daylight Time), please adjust to the time zone where the conference will be accessed.
The start times are only guidelines as not all pre-recorded videos will be the exact length indicated
Start Abst Monday July 5 Start Tuesday July 6 Start Abst Wednesday July 7
times no Minutes times Abst no Minutes times no
10:00 Introduction to the day and invited keynote 3-5 10:00 Introduction to the day and invited keynote 3-5 10:00 Introduction to the day and invited keynote
speaker speaker speakers
10:05 1 Session 1. Charles Brummer: Crop improvement for 25 10:05 29 Session 6. Sean Walkowiack: Genomics: Changing 25 10:05 61 Session 11. Bernard Glick: Soil bacteria and plant
an uncertain future. how we improve crops. growth.
10:30 Live QA1 on Zoom 10 10:30 Live QA6 on Zoom 10 10:30 Live QA11 on Zoom
Session 2. Student oral competition: Genetics, Student oral competition: Genomic Applications 10:40 62 Session 12. Carolee Bull: The second century of
Biotechnology, and Breeding for Crop Improvement phytobiome research.
1 Chanditha, Jagoda Arachchige - Genome-wide association study of 1 Christopher Manchur Bye-bye fungicides, hello RNAi: Understanding
10:40 2 soybean germplasm derived from Canadian x Chinese crosses to mine for 12 10:40 30 the uptake of RNAi-based controls and application of RNAi in controlling 12 11:05 Live QA12 on Zoom
unique seed-yield alleles obligate biotrophic oomycetes
2 Longfei Wu - Identification of quantitative trait loci associated with 2 Erika Dort - Improving biosurveillance in the genomics era: using Session 13. Student oral competition: Plant and
10:52 3 partial resistance to Fusarium root rot and wilt caused by Fusarium 12 10:52 31 large-scale genome comparisons with machine learning to predict 12 Soil Health, and the Microbiome
graminearum in field pea fungal phytopathogenic lifestyles
3 Jonathan Reich - Comparison of qPCR, Illumina amplicon sequencing,
11:04 4 3 Momna Farzand - QTL mapping for adult plant resistance to stripe 12 11:04 32 and Oxford Nanopore MinION sequencing for the detection and 12 11:15 63 1 Arshani Alukumbura - Does application of Trichoderma gamsii T6085
rust in an AAC Cameron/P2711 spring wheat population quantification of airborne plant pathogens for control of Fusarium head blight alter the microbiome of wheat?
11:16 5 4 Sherry Sun - Delineating the SAR pathway in common hexaploid 12 11:16 33 4 Mackenzie Hladun - Continuing the vital search for Fusarium head 12 11:27 64 2 Edward McNab - Creeping bentgrass microbiome: traditional culturing
wheat blight resistance and sequencing results compared to metagenomic techniques.
11:28 6 5 Varinder Sidhu - Interactions between light quality and plant hormones 12 11:28 34 5 Cunchun Yang - The regulation of intrinsic signaling in Brassica napus 12 11:39 65 3 Harini Aiyer Cover crops differentially affect root disease
signaling to control flower bud induction in day-neutral strawberry. defending against Leptosphaeria maculans susceptibility by changing the soil microbiome
6 Mohsen Yoosefzadeh Najafabadi - Using Hyperspectral Wide 4 Ibraheem Olamide Olasupo - Impacts of ditch-buried garlic straw fortified
11:40 7 Association Study (HWAS) and Machine Learning-Mediated Genome Wide 12 11:40 35 6 Hu Wang - to long-term grazing of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) 12 11:51 66 with chemical fertilizer on soil microbial biomass, bacterial community and
Association Study
Identifying Yield QTL in Soybean from
Reflectance Bands and Yield Component Traits yield of a tunnel-grown chili
11:52 8 7 Amanda Seto - Unravelling RNA helicases in Ustilago maydis and 12 11:52 36 7 Claudia Escobar-Gil - Transcriptomic profiling of the host-pathogen 12 12:03 67 5 A.C. GAHAGAN How oomycete community structure responds to
their role during teliospore dormancy and germination interaction in tan spot of wheat crop rotation and tillage
12:04 Live QA2 on Zoom 21 12:04 Live QA7 on Zoom 21 12:15 68 6 Louis-Olivier Larouche - Identification of exotic forest pests by
metabarcoding from
a unique trap
Concurrent sessions that begin after the first networking
12:25 Networking 30 12:25 Networking 30 12:27 69 7 Palaniappan Ramanathan - Characterization of wireworm populations
in the floodplains
of Lac
Start times Abst no Session 5. Genetics, biotechnology, and breeding Session 3. Student oral competition: Genetics, Session 8. Student oral competition: Plant and
Biotechnology, and Breeding Soil Health 12:39 Live QA13 on Zoom
12:55 21 Maya Subedi Genetic stability analysis of stem solidness and grain yield in spring wheat 12
12:55 9 1 Monique Lariviere - maydis antisense transcripts and stress 12 12:55 37 1 Ji Cui Comparison of inoculation techniques for Verticillium 12 1:00 Networking
response in Ustilago
on canola
22 Mohammad Sayari Role of NOX genes in Verticillium dahliae pathogenicity 12
come to those who bait:
1:07 10 2 Matthew Wengler Good things targets using fungal 12 1:07 38 2 Kyle Biscaglia-Horvath - Disease Dynamics of Root Rot Complex in 12 1:00 Session 14. Student activity - Carolee Bull: How to
Field Pea
to identify
23 Zhongwei Zou Functional characterisation of minor genes of Brassica napus in response to blackleg disease 12 write a research statement and cover letter
3 Rasanie Padmathilake - Does trophic switch of Leptosphaeria
1:19 11 maculans happen under both incompatible and compatible interactions 12 1:19 39 3 Claudio Ignacio Fernandez - Cucumber powdery mildew detection 12 Session 14. Student oral competition: Plant and
24 Jyoti Saini Sharma Characterizing The Common Wheat Accession KU1682 For The Stem Rust Resistance 12 using non-georeferenced multispectral images Soil Health
with canola (Brassica napus )?
of landscape
Understanding the effects
- IdentifiIdentification and characterization of
4 Venessa Clemis
structure on the abundance of
Mamadou Lamine Fall Temporal dynamics of the virome composition and transcriptional response of three grapevine novel 12 1:31 40 4 Piratheepa Jegatheeswaran - cabbage seedpod weevil and lygus bugs, 12 2:00 70 1 Andrea Botero-Ramirez - Effect of clubroot (Plasmodiophora
) on
in flax
of canola
(Brassica napus )
resistance genes
25 12 and associated crop damage
1:43 13 5 J. Duncan Giebelhaus Gibberellin regulation of protein accumulation 12 1:43 41 5 Jessica Prosser Role of Tomato ringspot virus in Tree Fruit Decline 12 2:12 71 2 Emilee Storfie - Fungal pathogen emergence: an Ustilago maydis x
in developing pea (Pisum
Shuanglong Huang A deep dive into the game of hide and seek in the Brassica napusLeptosphaeria maculans pathosys in the Niagara Region. Sporisorium reilianum model
26 tem: combined transcriptome and proteome analysis 6 Heather Tso - A single base extension assay for pathotyping clubroot 6 Kenneth Eteme Anku - Potential use of vegetative indices to detect 3 Gursahib Singh - The chemotypes 3ADON, 15ADON, NIV, and NX-2
[Plasmodiophora brassicae ] of canola 12 1:55 42 and estimate disease severities of Monilinia and Botrytis blight on wild 12 2:24 72 of Fusarium graminearum vary in aggressiveness on wheat.
27 Leonardo Miguel Galindo González Using molecular biolog y and omics to manage clubroot of canola 12 4 Allison Bailey - Impact of long-term nitrogen fertilization on soil organic
2:07 Live QA3 on Zoom 18 2:07 43 7 Sanjib Sapkota - Metalaxyl sensitivity of Phytophthora spp. 12 2:36 73 carbon, total soil nitrogen and future production in continuous corn (Zea
in British Columbia
associated with red raspberry
Nick Wytinck Clathrin Mediated Endocytosis is Involved in the Uptake of Exogenous doublestranded RNA in the White Mold mays L.) in Ontario
28 Phytopathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Session 4. Student oral competition: Innovations 5 Anuradha Jayathissa - Fusarium graminearum infection of differentially
for Pre- and Post-harvest Quality 2:19 Live QA8 on Zoom 21 2:48 74 resistant barley cultivars reflect growth and deoxynivalenol production
during malting
vitians 24
2:31 Live QA5 on Zoom 2:25 15 1 Amadou Sidibé - Preharvest UV treatment a potential ecological 12 Session 9. Student poster flash-talks: Genetics, 3:00 75 6 Kerin Hudson - Pathogenicity of Fusarium graminearum and F. poae
approach for
the control
of Xanthomonas
key genes associated with homeostasis, growth, and defense in lettuce Biotechnology, and Breeding Causing Fusarium Head Blight on Barley Under Controlled Conditions
2 Karthika Sriskantharajah - Pre-harvest spray hexanal enhances the 7 Sachithrani Kannangara - Fusarium Head Blight species diversity and
2:37 16 post-harvest quality of Honeycris apples by regulating membrane 12 2:40 44 1 Bohan Wei - Novel mutations in the CYP51 gene in a global collection 5 3:12 76 deoxynivalenol (DON) levels in Western Canadian producer wheat
Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (tan
of wheat)
degradation-associated genes. fields
3 Victoria Rodriguez Morrison - Cannabis inflorescence yield and 2 James Tucker Modern breeding strategies assist development of
2:49 17 cannabinoid concentration are not improved with long-term exposure to 12 2:45 45 disease-resistant, two-row malting barley adapted for production in 5 3:24 77 8 Keisha Hollman - The virulence of Plasmodiophora brassicae on
canola with '2nd generation'
UV radiation western Canada.
4 Portiaa McGonigal - Compost amendments affect plant performance
3:01 18 and crop quality without affecting disease severity in a long-established 12 2:50 46 3 Kallum McDonald - Creating a Genetic Screening Platform from 5 3:36 Live QA14 on Zoom
Breeding Canola with Increased Seed Protein.
crown gall-diseased vineyard
5 Niluni Wijesundara - Can herbal essential oils use to treat strep 4 Sachithrani Kannangara - CRISPER/Cas9 mediated gene editing to
3:13 19 throat?: antibacterial activity of carvacrol against Streptococcus 12 2:55 47 create a Leptosphaeria maculans isolate carrying a single avirulent 5 3:56 Networking
pyogenes gene - AvrLepR1
6 Tharindu Lakshan Suraweera - Plant-Derived Dietary Flavonoids 5 Arindam Sikdar Genomic methylation levels appear adverse effect
3:25 20 Protect Cultured Human Lung Epithelial Cells from Chemical-induced 12 3:00 48 on total phenolic content between in vitro and greenhouse grown 5
DNA Damage. lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea )
3:37 Live QA4 on Zoom 18 3:05 49 6 Rasanie Padmathilake - Is less virulent Leptosphaeria biglobosa 5
robust enough to protect canola from highly virulent L. maculans?
7 Daniel Gladish - Evaluation of plant-pollinator ecosystem health and
3:55 Networking 60 3:10 50 rapid detection of plant and bee pathogens by high-throughput 5
sequencing of European honey bee (Apis mellifera)
3:15 51 8 George Austin - Determining resistance of asparagus (Asparagus 5
officinalis L.) cultivars to Stemphylium vesicarium
/ 5 3:20 52 9 Cindy Yu - Polyphenols-rich apples exhibit anti-diabetic properties in 5
3:25 Live QA9 on Zoom 27
3:52 Networking 60
Student activity - 3 minute talks 60
Concurrent sessions that begin after the first networking
Start Abst Session 5. Genetics, biotechnology, and breeding Start Abst no Session 10. Pathogen Challenges and Genomic Start Abst Session 15. Plant and Soil health
times no times Applications times no
12:55 21 1 Maya Subedi - Genetic stability analysis of stem solidness and grain 12 12:55 53 1 Thomas Jeanne - Use of high throughput sequencing for the 12 2:00 78 1 Malinda Thilakarathna - Trends in symbiotic nitrogen fixation over 100
yield in spring wheat identification of plant pathogens years of soybean breeding
1:07 22 2 Mohammad Sayari - Role of NOX genes in Verticillium dahliae 12 1:07 54 2 Melanie Kalischuk - Molecular diagnostics for bronze leaf disease 12 2:12 79 2 Jennifer Owens Altering nitrogen management to improve winter
pathogenicity affecting Canadian poplar and aspen trees wheat yields and nitrogen efficiency in the Northern Great Plains
3 Miao Liu - The 168-year taxonomy of Claviceps in the light of
1:19 23 3 Zhongwei Zou - Functional characterisation of minor genes of 12 1:19 55 variations: From three morphological species to four sections based on 12 2:24 80 3 Mumtaz Cheema - Effect of wood ash, sludge, and biochar on heavy
Brassica napus in response to blackleg disease metals mobility in plant-soil system of annual ryegrass and kale
multigene phylogenies
4 Lone Buchwaldt - Characterization of genomic and pathogenic 4 Dahu Chen - Effect of biofumigation and fumigation on population
1:31 24 4 Jyoti Saini Sharma - Characterizing The Common Wheat Accession 12 1:31 56 diversity in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum population needed for development 12 2:36 81 density of root-lesion nematodes, Verticillium dahliae and potato yield in
KU168-2 For The Stem Rust Resistance
of resistant canola New Brunswick
1:43 25 5 Mamadou Lamine Fall - Temporal dynamics of the virome 12 1:43 57 5 Maria Antonia Henriquez - Physiological and RNASeq analysis of the 12 2:48 82 5 Muhammad Nadeem - Potential role of root neutral lipids in mediating
composition and transcriptional response of three grapevine cultivars wheat cultivar AAC Tenacious under F. graminearum infection forage soybean acclimation to cultivation on acidic soil in boreal climate
6 Shuanglong Huang - A deep dive into the game of hide and seek in the
1:55 26 Brassica napus-Leptosphaeria maculans pathosystem: combined 12 1:55 58 6Naz Islam Levels of mycotoxins in barley Canada from infected by 12 3:00 83 6 Gurbir Singh Dhillon - Adapting precision planters for pulse crop
2017 to 2020
head blight
in Manitoba,
production in southern Alberta
transcriptome and proteome analysis
2:07 27 7 Leonardo Galindo-González - Using molecular biology and omics to 12 2:07 59 7 Holly Bartholomew A double agent: The mycotoxin patulin serves 12 3:12 84 7Jiangying Tu - Cell-wall reinforcement contributes to clubroot
manage clubroot of canola multiple roles during host-fungal-nonhost interactions resistance
8 Mark Belmonte - Clathrin Mediated Endocytosis is Involved in the Uptake 8 Huimin Xu - Modernization of Canadian Potato Post Entry Quarantine
2:19 28 of Exogenous double-stranded RNA in the White Mold Phytopathogen 12 2:19 60 program by introducing molecular and genomic diagnostic methods for 12 3:24 85 8 Lawrence Kawchuk - Elimination of zebra chip in Canada
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum detecting virus and viroid pathogens in imported potato germplasm
2:31 Live QA5 on Zoom 24 2:31 Live QA10 on Zoom 24 3:36 Live QA15 on Zoom
Total minutes without second networking 350 347