CSHS 2006 Annual meeting digital album

AGM__awards_3579 AGM__awards_3580 AGM__awards_3581 AGM__awards3559 AGM__awards3560
AGM awards AGM awards AGM awards AGM awards AGM awards
AGM__awards3561 AGM__awards3563 AGM__awards3564 AGM__awards3566 AGM__awards3578
AGM awards AGM awards AGM awards AGM awards AGM awards
AGM_3555 AGM_3594 AGM_AGM__awards3565 AGM_CSHS president3556 AGM_CSHSsecretary_3558
AGM AGM AGM awards AGM CSHS president AGM CSHS secretary
AGM_moderator___3557 Banquet and Awards _3597 Banquet and Awards _3598 Banquet and Awards _3600 Banquet and Awards _3602
AGM moderator Banquet and Awards Banquet and Awards Banquet and Awards Banquet and Awards
Banquet and Awards _3603 Banquet and Awards _3604 Banquet and Awards _3605 Banquet and Awards _3606 Banquet and Awards _3607
Banquet and Awards Banquet and Awards Banquet and Awards Banquet and Awards Banquet and Awards
Banquet and Awards _3608 Banquet and Awards _CSHS president 3596 Banquet and Awards CSHS secretary_3599 Banquet and Awards_3595 CSHS tour__3572
Banquet and Awards Banquet and Awards 
CSHS president
Banquet and Awards
CSHS Secretary
Banquet and Awards CSHS tour
CSHS tour__3573 CSHS tour_3568 CSHS tour_3569 CSHS tour_3570 CSHS tour_3571
CSHS tour CSHS tour CSHS tour CSHS tour CSHS tour
CSHS tour_Group Photo_3575 CSHS tour_Group Photo_3576 CSHS tour_Group Photo3574 Derek Lynch David Percival Nicole Burkhard IMG_3601
CSHS tour Group photo CSHS tour Group photo CSHS tour Group photo Derek Lynch 
David Percival
Nicole Burkhard
Banquet and Awards
Keynote speaker_3583 Keynote speaker_3584 Keynote speaker_3585 Keynote speaker_3586 Keynote speaker_3587
Keynote speaker
Dr. Samir Debnath
CSHS President & 
Keynote speaker
Dr. Samir Debnathr
Keynote speaker
Dr. John Proctor
CSHS President &
 Keynote speaker 
Dr. John Proctor
CSHS President & 
Keynote speaker 
Dr. John Proctor
Keynote speaker_3588 Keynote speaker_3589 Keynote speaker_3590 Keynote speaker_3591 Keynote speaker_3592
Keynote speaker 
Dr. Peter M.A. Toivonen
CSHS President & 
Keynote speaker 
Dr. Peter M.A. Toivonen
Keynote speaker 
Dr. Andrew Jamieson
CSHS President & 
Keynote speaker 
Dr. Andrew Jamieson
Keynote speaker
Dr. Charlee G. Embree
Keynote speaker_3593 Session_3567
CSHS President & 
Keynote speaker 
Dr. Charlee G. Embree